A sport charity is inviting nominations from those actively involved in sport and community work in the Indian community.
SPROUT, an Auckland-based charity, has launched the Indian Sports & Community Awards to be held on 26 May 2012 at the Sudima Hotel near Auckland International Airport.
The inaugural awards aim to promote community development and sports in the New Zealand Indian community, says Aditee Naik, the project manager for the awards. “The awards will not only acknowledge individual talents but also honour organisations that have supported the society.
“The awards will recognise the Indian sportspeople at the grassroots level in pursuit of excellence and to honor the outstanding contributions by Indians in the community.
“The awards are an extension of what we are already doing.” SPROUT, which stands for ‘Sports, Recreation and Outdoors Trust’, recently won an award in the ‘Sports and Leisure’ category at the Infratil Community Awards 2011 in West Auckland, for its work in promoting active lifestyle. SPROUT runs physical exercise and sports classes, community garden projects, organises community runs and publishes a health magazine.
Nominations are open to people of Indian descent who are involved in community work, volunteering or have represented their chosen sport(s) at a regional, national or international level.
The qualifying period for the nominations is the year ending 31 March 2012. The closing date for the award nominations is 22 April 2012. The Global Indian magazine is a media partner. More details.
The award categories
Sportsperson of the year (male and female each) – Open to any adult who has excelled as an individual or in a team in one or more sports
Junior sportsperson of the year (male and female each) – Open to any person aged 21 and below, who has excelled as an individual or in a team in one or more sports
Community volunteer of the year – Open to any volunteer who is working passionately for the betterment of community.
Community organisation of the year – Open to any organisation that has provided substantial benefit to the Indian community
International student of the year – Open to any International student that has made a difference in the NZ community
Senior citizen of the year – Open to any person aged 60 and over who have made a positive contribution to New Zealand
Sports Supreme Award – Selected from the winners of the four sports categories
Sudima Community Supreme Award – Selected from the winners of the four community categories
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