Rohit Kapoor Joins CA Technologies Board

CA Technologies have appointed Rohit Kapoor to its board of directors. The 46-year old chief executive of ExlService Holdings Inc. will join the board the board’s Audit Committee. Nine of the 10 directors on the board are independent.

The FORTUNE 500 company is one of the largest independent software companies in the world. The New York-headquartered company manages IT environments and helps organisations deliver more flexible IT services.

Rohit brings exceptional leadership credentials and international business accomplishments to our Board, says Art Weinbach, chairman, CA Technologies.

“His insight and expertise related to international operational efficiencies and expansion will be invaluable as we increase our global footprint.”

The IIT-IIM graduate, Kapoor was named president and chief executive officer of ExlService Holdings, Inc., a provider of outsourcing and transformation services, in 2008.

Kapoor co-founded, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of ExlService Holdings, in April 1999, serving as its president and chief financial officer.

Prior to that, Kapoor served in several capacities at Deutsche Bank and Bank of America in the United States and Asia.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He completed his master’s degree in business administration from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in 1988.


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