
Scam mobile apps for jobs in Australia

Many mobile apps for jobs in Australia are making false guarantees for skilled professionals keen on migrating to Australia, and Australia’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) is reminding users of mobile applications to be aware of such scams.

“Tablet PC and smartphone apps are another avenue that scammers and unscrupulous operators have explored to take advantage of vulnerable people, in a similar manner to unsolicited phone calls and hoax emails,” a DIAC spokesman says.


“These applications should be ignored and deleted.”

While the immigration department says that only registered migration agents are qualified to provide advice regarding migration or visa applications, it hasn’t named any specific mobile apps for jobs that should be avoided.

“We are aware of a number of mobile applications that offer guides to the unwary about applying for a visa where the applicant might not have sufficient evidence; or tips about how to speed up visa applications,” the spokesman says.

“Not only would the information provided be potentially false or misleading, but may also jeopardize a genuine application.

“The department warns that the risks are high for those who seek to defraud the system.

“The unlawful provision of immigration assistance by unregistered people can adversely affect the lives of our clients and challenges the very integrity of Australia’s migration and visa programs.”

A search by The Global Indian magazine for  mobile apps for jobs in Australia brought up many apps including those for mining jobs in Australia, university jobs and IT jobs.

However, the two top listing apps are from major brands – Seek Jobs is a popular job brand in Australia and New Zealand; and MyCareer Jobs app is by Australia’s leading media group Fairfax Digital Australia and New Zealand.


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