Migrate To New Zealand

Why some people migrate, others don’t?

Does your personality make you more likely to migrate?

A new study is exploring how personality characteristics influence not only whether someone will migrate, but where they choose to go, says Aidan Tabor, PhD candidate from the School of Psychology at New Zealand’s Victoria University of Wellington.

Aidan moved to New Zealand from the United States four years ago with her family. Her past research projects have focused migrants from the UK, South Africa and India.
Migrate To New Zealand
“Previously, researchers working in the US and Europe have found that certain personality traits are common among migrants,” says Aidan.

“But this research was primarily conducted with European and American university students. We don’t know if the pattern will be the same when we consider people from other cultures.

Researchers at Victoria University of Wellington’s Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research are now seeking adult participants for an online survey that explores personality as it relates to the migration intentions.

Participation is open for anyone age 18+ living in New Zealand, as well as people living in other countries who are considering or planning on moving internationally to any destination. The researchers are particularly interested in hearing from people living in India who are considering or planning to emigrate.

One lucky participant will win a US$100 Amazon.com voucher. Take the online survey.

Related story: Migrating together more difficult than going alone- study

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